Paige DeSorbo’s Beauty Secrets: Skincare, or a Deal with the Plastic Surgeon?

Paige DeSorbo’s Beauty Secrets: Skincare, or a Deal with the Plastic Surgeon?

Is it Botox, or did Paige DeSorbo just wake up like this? From lip fillers to eyebrow lifts, the rumors about the Summer House star’s beauty regime are as juicy as last night’s reality TV drama. But when it comes to her sculpted face and jaw-dropping weight loss, everyone’s wondering—did she get a little help, or is it just some serious skincare sorcery?

Paige DeSorbo’s Cosmetic Journey 

Let’s cut straight to the chase, shall we? When it comes to Paige DeSorbo’s cosmetic journey, the gossip mill has churned out more theories than there are filters on Instagram. But amid all the wild speculation, there are a couple of truths we can hold onto like a solid Wi-Fi connection: Paige DeSorbo has admitted to getting lip fillers and Botox. Yes, folks, you heard it straight from the source—no need to rely on those grainy before-and-after photos floating around the internet.

But let’s be real here, who among us hasn’t looked in the mirror and thought, “Maybe just a little plump here, a little smooth there?” Paige, being the open book that she is, has never been shy about her enhancements. “Look,” she once said in a candid moment on her Instagram Stories, “I wanted fuller lips and a smoother forehead. I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel; I just wanted a little touch-up.”

Now, before you start picturing some drastic transformation that’s left Paige unrecognizable, let’s clear that up. The truth is, Paige’s enhancements have been more about subtle refinement than dramatic change. Think of it like upgrading your phone to the latest model—not a total overhaul, just a sleeker, better version of what you already loved. Her lips got a bit of extra volume, and those fine lines on her forehead? Well, they took a little vacation thanks to Botox.

Interestingly, Paige’s cosmetic journey didn’t start with some grand Hollywood revelation. It was more of a gradual evolution, with her taking baby steps into the world of fillers and Botox. And why not? She’s a public figure in a world where every wrinkle and blemish is scrutinized by millions. When asked why she chose these enhancements, Paige didn’t mince words. “I’m on TV, I’m in the public eye, and I like to look my best,” she explained. “It’s not about insecurity; it’s about maintenance.”

Paige’s honesty about her procedures is refreshing, especially in an industry where many celebrities deny having any work done even when the evidence is more obvious than a bad wig. But Paige isn’t about that life. Instead, she’s chosen to own her decisions and be transparent with her fans, many of whom are young women navigating their own self-image struggles. By openly discussing her experiences, Paige has become something of a role model for embracing cosmetic enhancements without the shame.

Monthly laser treatments and skincare regimens

But let’s not give all the credit to the needle. Paige’s beauty routine is more than just fillers and Botox—her skincare regimen is the stuff of legends. If you think her flawless complexion is simply a gift from the gods, think again. Paige’s glow is the result of a well-thought-out, dedicated skincare routine that includes everything from monthly laser treatments to the most luxurious creams and serums money can buy.

Here’s where things get really interesting. While many celebrities opt for the “I woke up like this” facade, Paige is all about transparency. She’s not shy about her commitment to maintaining her skin, even if it means spending hours in a dermatologist’s office. “I’m obsessed with my skin,” Paige admitted in one of her more detailed skincare confessionals. “I do laser treatments regularly to keep everything tight and smooth. And yes, I use a ton of products, but that’s because I’m serious about looking after my skin.”

Laser treatments, for those not in the know, are a non-invasive way to address everything from sun damage to fine lines. They work by using focused light to penetrate the skin, encouraging collagen production and giving the skin a more youthful appearance. Paige swears by these treatments, and honestly, who can blame her? The results speak for themselves. Her skin is practically glowing on screen, with not a wrinkle or blemish in sight.

But let’s not gloss over the skincare products, either. Paige’s bathroom counter looks like a high-end apothecary, stocked with the latest and greatest in anti-aging, hydrating, and brightening products. “I’m a product junkie,” Paige confessed with a laugh during one of her Instagram skincare tutorials. “If it promises to make me look younger or more radiant, I’m buying it.”

This commitment to skincare is not just about vanity for Paige; it’s about prevention. She’s made it clear that she’s in this for the long haul, taking steps now to ensure she looks just as fabulous in the future. And while Botox and fillers might give her the immediate results, it’s her skincare regimen that’s doing the heavy lifting day in and day out.

Paige’s stance on plastic surgery – Public declarations and personal beliefs

So, where does Paige DeSorbo stand on plastic surgery as a whole? Well, if you’re expecting her to jump on the surgery bandwagon anytime soon, you might be disappointed. Paige has been pretty vocal about her desire to keep things as natural as possible—for now, at least. “I’m not against plastic surgery at all,” she’s said more than once. “In fact, I’ll probably get some in the future. But right now, I’m trying to stick with less invasive options.”

Her public declarations have always had a tone of pragmatism mixed with a pinch of humor. It’s almost as if she’s saying, “Sure, I’ll nip and tuck when I need to, but let’s not rush things.” Paige has made it clear that she’s all about embracing change—just on her own terms. This balanced approach is likely why she resonates with so many of her followers. She’s not preaching one way or the other; she’s simply doing what feels right for her, and isn’t that the ultimate beauty philosophy?

Interestingly, Paige’s take on beauty standards and the pressure to maintain a certain image is refreshingly real. She’s acknowledged that being in the public eye comes with its own set of challenges, particularly when it comes to appearance. But instead of succumbing to the pressure, Paige has chosen to navigate it with a mix of honesty and humor. “People expect you to look perfect all the time,” she’s said. “But that’s just not realistic. I have bad skin days, I get breakouts—it’s normal. We’re all just trying our best here.”

In fact, it’s this down-to-earth attitude that’s made Paige such a relatable figure in the often superficial world of reality TV. She’s not afraid to show her imperfections or talk about the steps she’s taking to improve her appearance. By doing so, she’s created a space where her followers feel comfortable discussing their own insecurities and beauty choices.

In the end, Paige’s stance on plastic surgery is simple: she’s open to it, but she’s in no rush. For now, she’s content with her routine of fillers, Botox, and top-tier skincare. But she’s also not ruling out the possibility of going under the knife in the future. “Who knows?” Paige mused in a recent interview. “Maybe one day I’ll wake up and decide I want a little lift here or there. But for now, I’m happy with what I’m doing.”

So there you have it—the real, unfiltered (well, mostly) truth about Paige DeSorbo’s cosmetic journey. It’s a story of subtle enhancements, honest admissions, and a commitment to looking and feeling her best. And while the rumors may swirl, Paige seems content to let them, confident in the choices she’s made and the path she’s on.

The Speculations – What’s Real and What’s Rumor? 

When it comes to the world of reality TV, rumor and speculation are practically the lifeblood that keeps the drama alive. And when Paige DeSorbo, with her enviable jawline and flawless cheekbones, steps into the spotlight, you can bet your bottom dollar that the rumor mill goes into overdrive. The buzz around Paige’s alleged facial contouring is so loud you’d think she’d had a complete facial overhaul in the middle of Times Square.

But let’s take a step back and sift through the noise. What exactly is facial contouring, and why is everyone so convinced that Paige has indulged in it? Facial contouring is a term that gets thrown around a lot, especially in Hollywood circles. It can involve anything from non-invasive fillers and Botox to surgical procedures that permanently alter the structure of the face. In Paige’s case, the whispers suggest she’s had a little help defining that chiseled jawline and those perfectly sculpted cheeks.

The speculation gained traction when fans began comparing older photos of Paige to more recent ones. Suddenly, every angle of her face was under the microscope, with amateur sleuths dissecting every shadow and highlight as if they were analyzing a piece of art. “Her cheeks look higher, her jawline more defined—it has to be contouring!” one enthusiastic commenter declared in an online forum, sparking a debate that spiraled out of control faster than you can say “injectable.”

But let’s get real for a moment. Has Paige really undergone facial contouring, or is this just a case of expert makeup, good lighting, and maybe a few filters? While Paige hasn’t directly addressed the rumors, she’s hinted that her sharp features are more the result of genetics and a killer makeup artist than a surgeon’s scalpel. “I’ve got a great glam team,” Paige once mentioned offhandedly in an interview, “They know how to make me look my best.”

Of course, that hasn’t stopped the speculation. And really, why should it? In the age of social media, where every selfie is scrutinized, it’s almost inevitable that a public figure like Paige would find herself at the center of such debates. The truth is, without a direct confirmation from Paige herself, we’ll never know for sure whether she’s had any work done. But that won’t stop the rumor mill from churning—and in the world of reality TV, that’s just the way we like it.

Did she really undergo an eyebrow lift and eyelid surgery?

Now, if you thought the facial contouring rumors were juicy, wait until you hear about the eyebrow lift and eyelid surgery gossip. Yes, folks, the internet detectives have struck again, and this time they’re convinced that Paige’s perfectly arched brows and wide-awake eyes are the result of more than just a good night’s sleep.

The eyebrow lift, a procedure designed to raise the brows and create a more youthful, open-eyed look, has become increasingly popular among celebrities. It’s a subtle procedure that can make a significant difference, lifting sagging skin and giving the face a fresher, more alert appearance. Combine that with eyelid surgery, which removes excess skin and fat around the eyes, and you’ve got a recipe for a total eye transformation.

So, did Paige go under the knife to achieve her bright-eyed, bushy-tailed look? Let’s dive into the evidence—or lack thereof.

The rumors first started swirling when fans noticed a change in Paige’s appearance between seasons of Summer House. Her eyes looked more defined, her brows higher, and naturally, the internet had to know why. Was it makeup? A new brow gel? Or had Paige secretly slipped into a plastic surgeon’s office?

“Her eyes look completely different!” one particularly observant fan noted in a Reddit thread dedicated to the mystery. “She definitely had something done—there’s no way that’s just makeup.”

But before we jump to conclusions, it’s worth considering a few other possibilities. For one, Paige is known for her love of skincare and non-surgical treatments. She’s openly shared her skincare routine with fans, and it’s entirely possible that she’s simply upped her game with treatments like laser therapy, microblading, or even a more intensive regimen that’s given her that wide-eyed look.

There’s also the fact that makeup artists can work wonders with the right tools. Paige’s glam squad knows exactly how to enhance her natural features, and a bit of strategic contouring and highlighting can create the illusion of lifted brows and more defined eyes without a single incision. Plus, let’s not forget the power of social media filters, which can add an extra touch of perfection to any selfie.

Despite all the chatter, Paige has remained mum on the subject, leaving fans to speculate to their hearts’ content. Whether she’s had an eyebrow lift, eyelid surgery, or just a really good brow pencil, the truth is likely somewhere in the middle. But until Paige decides to spill the beans—or post a tell-all Instagram story—we’ll just have to keep guessing.

Media influence and the pressure of public perception

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that being a public figure in the age of social media is no picnic. The pressure to look perfect 24/7 is relentless, and celebrities like Paige DeSorbo are constantly under the microscope. Every wrinkle, every blemish, every hair out of place is fair game for criticism, and that’s not even counting the endless speculation about what procedures they may or may not have had.

But let’s pause for a second and think about the impact of all this scrutiny. The media—and by extension, the public—has a way of building up impossible standards of beauty that even the most genetically blessed individuals struggle to meet. For someone like Paige, who’s on TV, on Instagram, and in the public eye 24/7, the pressure to maintain a flawless appearance is nothing short of intense.

“You can’t win,” Paige once vented to a friend, as reported by someone who overheard the conversation. “If you look too perfect, people accuse you of having surgery. If you look natural, they say you’re letting yourself go. It’s exhausting.”

This constant pressure has a way of influencing celebrities’ decisions regarding cosmetic procedures. After all, when every little change in your appearance is dissected by millions of people online, it’s hard not to feel the need to keep up. The desire to look your best—whether it’s through skincare, non-surgical treatments, or going under the knife—is magnified by the fear of public judgment.

Social media only amplifies this pressure. Platforms like Instagram are flooded with images of seemingly perfect people, often heavily edited or filtered to remove any trace of imperfection. It’s no wonder that celebrities feel compelled to keep up, especially when they’re bombarded with comments and messages pointing out every perceived flaw.

But the influence of the media doesn’t stop at just critiquing appearances—it also shapes the narrative around them. Tabloids and gossip sites thrive on rumors and speculation, often taking a single unflattering photo and spinning it into a story about botched surgery or secret procedures. It’s a cycle that feeds on itself, with speculation driving clicks and clicks driving more speculation.

For Paige, navigating this minefield of public perception is part of the job. She’s learned to take the rumors in stride, even when they’re far from the truth. “At the end of the day, people are going to believe what they want,” she once remarked during a candid interview. “You just have to do what makes you feel good and not worry too much about what others think.”

And that, perhaps, is the real takeaway from all this speculation. Whether Paige has had facial contouring, an eyebrow lift, or any other procedure is ultimately her business. What’s more important is how she feels about herself and the confidence she exudes—surgery or no surgery.

So, the next time you find yourself caught up in the latest celebrity rumor, remember that behind every headline is a real person, dealing with real pressures. And while the gossip might be fun, it’s worth considering the toll it can take on those in the spotlight. Paige DeSorbo may be the subject of endless speculation, but at the end of the day, she’s just like the rest of us—trying to navigate the complex world of beauty and self-image, one Instagram post at a time.

The Weight Loss Mystery – Ozempic, Liposuction, or Both?

Let’s be honest: when it comes to weight loss, celebrities have always had a few extra tricks up their sleeves. Whether it’s the latest fad diet, a personal trainer who charges more per hour than your monthly rent, or, as the rumor mill would have it, the latest in a line of miracle drugs—enter Ozempic and Saxenda. These injectable medications, originally designed to treat type 2 diabetes, have taken Hollywood by storm for one very specific side effect: they help you shed pounds like it’s going out of style.

So, what exactly are Ozempic and Saxenda, and why have they become the new BFFs of celebrities everywhere? Let’s break it down.

Both Ozempic and Saxenda are GLP-1 receptor agonists, which, in non-medical speak, means they help regulate blood sugar levels by mimicking a hormone in your gut that tells your brain you’re full. Translation: you eat less, feel full faster, and voila—weight loss ensues. Of course, the FDA-approved these drugs for managing diabetes and chronic weight issues, but that didn’t stop the Hollywood elite from discovering their slimming side effects and making them the must-have accessory of the season.

As word spread, it wasn’t long before these medications became the go-to for celebs looking to maintain their svelte figures without breaking a sweat—literally. Forget about kale smoothies and two-a-day workouts; a quick jab of Ozempic or Saxenda, and you’re on your way to a red-carpet-ready body. And as with any trend, once a few celebrities started showing off their newly trimmed physiques, everyone wanted in on the secret.

But like any secret in Hollywood, it didn’t stay hidden for long. Soon, rumors began swirling about who was using these drugs and who wasn’t. Social media lit up with speculation, and every time a star dropped a few pounds, the whispers of “Is it Ozempic?” grew louder.

Speculation around Paige’s weight loss – Did she use Ozempic?

And that brings us to Paige DeSorbo, our favorite reality TV star who always looks effortlessly chic—no small feat when your life is played out on national television. Naturally, when Paige started showing off a noticeably slimmer figure, the whispers began: “Did Paige jump on the Ozempic bandwagon?”

Let’s rewind a bit and take a closer look at the evidence—or rather, the Instagram posts. Paige, who has always been known for her slim frame, appeared even more svelte in recent months. Cue the speculation: was this the result of a new fitness routine, or had she found a little pharmaceutical help?

Now, Paige hasn’t exactly been forthcoming about any potential use of Ozempic, but that hasn’t stopped the rumor mill from spinning at full speed. The signs, according to some eagle-eyed fans, were all there: the rapid weight loss, the lack of mention of any new workout regime, and, of course, the fact that everyone else in Hollywood seemed to be doing it.

“Paige definitely looks like she’s been using something,” one fan commented in a Reddit thread dedicated to celebrity weight loss secrets. “She’s always been thin, but now she’s on a whole new level. It’s got to be Ozempic.”

But before we jump to conclusions, it’s worth considering a few other possibilities. Paige is known for her dedication to skincare and health, and it’s entirely possible that her weight loss is the result of a strict diet, a new exercise regimen, or even just the natural fluctuations that come with being a public figure under constant scrutiny.

Then there’s the matter of public statements—or, more accurately, the lack thereof. Paige has remained tight-lipped about any involvement with weight loss drugs, which, in the world of celebrities, could mean anything. Maybe she’s trying to keep her private life private (a rarity in reality TV, but still possible), or maybe she’s simply not using them at all.

Of course, the internet isn’t satisfied with silence. The speculation continues, with every new photo sparking another round of debate. But until Paige herself decides to spill the tea, the question of whether she’s using Ozempic remains just that—a question.

Liposuction or natural weight loss?

Now, let’s stir the pot a little more, shall we? Because while Ozempic has been the drug du jour, there’s another rumor that’s been quietly circulating: Did Paige DeSorbo undergo liposuction to achieve her enviable figure?

Liposuction, the classic go-to for those wanting to lose a few inches without the hassle of diet and exercise, has been a Hollywood staple for decades. It’s quick, relatively painless (thanks to modern medicine), and, most importantly, it delivers immediate results. For someone like Paige, who is constantly in the public eye, the allure of a quick fix might just be too tempting to resist.

So, what’s the story here? Did Paige opt for a little surgical help to maintain her slim silhouette?

Let’s break it down. Paige has always been transparent about her beauty routine, from her skincare secrets to her occasional use of fillers and Botox. But when it comes to her figure, she’s been more reserved, offering little more than the occasional mention of a healthy lifestyle. This has led some to speculate that perhaps there’s more going on behind the scenes than she’s letting on.

“She’s always been fit, but recently, her body looks more sculpted than ever,” an insider hinted to a popular gossip magazine. “There’s been talk that she might have had a little lipo to keep things tight.”

But hold on just a second—couldn’t this be the result of natural weight loss? After all, Paige is known for her dedication to her appearance, and it’s not hard to imagine her committing to a strict diet and workout plan to achieve her goals. Plus, with the added pressure of being in the public eye, it’s entirely possible that Paige has simply stepped up her game to maintain her figure.

On the other hand, liposuction would explain the dramatic results without the need for hours in the gym or a lifetime spent counting calories. It’s a quick, effective solution that many in Hollywood have turned to when they need to look their best in a short amount of time.

But once again, we’re left with nothing more than speculation. Paige has never confirmed—or denied—undergoing liposuction, leaving fans and critics alike to draw their own conclusions. Whether it’s surgery, Ozempic, or simply good old-fashioned hard work, the mystery of Paige DeSorbo’s weight loss is one that’s likely to keep us guessing for a while longer.

One thing’s for sure: whatever the method, Paige looks fantastic. And in the end, isn’t that what really matters? Whether she’s embraced the latest Hollywood trends or stuck to more traditional methods, Paige has managed to stay in the spotlight and keep everyone talking—and in the world of reality TV, that’s half the battle won.

The evolving standards of beauty in Hollywood

In the land of Hollywood, where the cameras never stop rolling and the flashbulbs never stop popping, beauty has always been a currency—one that’s traded, negotiated, and constantly redefined. But let’s face it, the standards of beauty in Tinseltown have evolved more times than a Kardashian’s hair color. From the voluptuous curves of the 1950s, à la Marilyn Monroe, to the waifish figures of the 90s supermodels like Kate Moss, and now the surgically enhanced hourglass figures that dominate Instagram feeds today, what’s considered “beautiful” in Hollywood is as fluid as it is elusive.

And here’s where things get interesting: the role of plastic surgery in maintaining these ever-shifting standards. In the golden age of Hollywood, starlets might have undergone the knife in secret, denying any alterations to their God-given looks while smiling for the cameras. But today? Well, let’s just say that subtlety isn’t exactly in vogue. Thanks to the rise of social media, plastic surgery has gone from being a hush-hush affair to something of an open secret—or in many cases, a badge of honor.

“Everyone’s doing it,” one Hollywood insider casually mentioned in a Vanity Fair exposé, as if Botox was just another line item on a grocery list. “It’s not about changing who you are; it’s about enhancing what you’ve got—or at least, that’s what we tell ourselves.”

But it wasn’t always this way. The 1970s and 80s saw a boom in plastic surgery, driven by a desire to cling to youthfulness in an industry that worshipped youth. Fast forward to today, and it’s not just about staying young—it’s about achieving perfection, or at least the Instagram version of it. With filters and Facetune setting the bar impossibly high, it’s no wonder that more and more celebrities are turning to cosmetic procedures to meet these standards.

Yet, the pendulum has started to swing back, with some stars advocating for a more natural look, while others openly flaunt their enhancements. This evolving landscape of beauty standards creates a paradox: while the pressure to conform remains high, the definition of beauty is becoming increasingly diverse—at least on the surface.

Paige DeSorbo, like many of her peers, finds herself navigating these murky waters. Her decision to dabble in lip fillers and Botox fits neatly within the current Hollywood narrative: tweak what you need to, deny what you want, and let the tabloids do the rest. But how much of this is driven by personal choice, and how much is a reaction to the relentless expectations of the industry? That’s where things get complicated.

Now, let’s talk about the not-so-glamorous side of these beauty standards—the psychological toll they take on the very celebrities who are held up as paragons of perfection. If you think that achieving (and maintaining) Hollywood’s beauty ideals is a piece of cake, think again. The pressure can be as suffocating as a too-tight corset at a red carpet event.

Imagine, for a moment, what it’s like to be Paige DeSorbo. Every inch of your body is scrutinized by millions, every stray hair, every wrinkle, every pound gained or lost. Now multiply that by ten when you’re a woman in the public eye—because let’s be real, the standards for men are nowhere near as brutal. Is it any wonder, then, that celebrities might feel compelled to go under the knife, inject a little filler here, a bit of Botox there, all in the name of staying relevant?

Psychologists have long studied the impact of these beauty standards on celebrities, and the findings aren’t pretty. The constant pressure to look a certain way can lead to a host of issues, from body dysmorphia to anxiety and depression. For someone like Paige, who’s spent years in the reality TV spotlight, the stakes are even higher. After all, when your brand is built on your appearance, any deviation from the “ideal” can feel like a personal failure.

“You’re constantly comparing yourself to everyone else,” a fellow reality star confided in an interview, speaking on the condition of anonymity. “No matter how confident you are, there’s always this little voice in the back of your head saying you’re not good enough. And that voice gets louder every time you scroll through Instagram.”

This relentless comparison game isn’t just unhealthy—it’s downright damaging. And it’s not just limited to celebrities; it trickles down to their fans, who internalize these unattainable standards and start to view their own bodies through a distorted lens. It’s a vicious cycle, one that feeds off insecurity and perpetuates the idea that you’re never quite enough as you are.

For Paige, the decision to undergo cosmetic procedures likely wasn’t made lightly. It’s a calculated move, one that balances the desire to feel good in her own skin with the need to meet the expectations placed upon her. But it’s also a reminder that behind every perfectly contoured cheekbone is a person grappling with the same insecurities and pressures as the rest of us—just on a much larger stage.

Embracing the natural look – The future of cosmetic enhancements

But here’s where things start to get interesting again: the future of beauty in Hollywood might not be as cut and dried (or cut and stitched) as it seems. While the past decade has seen a surge in cosmetic procedures, there’s a growing movement towards embracing a more natural look—one that values authenticity over artificiality.

This trend is slowly gaining traction, fueled in part by a backlash against the cookie-cutter faces that have dominated Instagram for far too long. Celebrities are starting to push back against the notion that beauty means looking like a perfectly polished doll, and instead, are embracing their flaws, their wrinkles, and their unique features.

“People are tired of seeing the same face over and over again,” a celebrity makeup artist recently noted. “There’s a hunger for something real, something raw. It’s not about perfection anymore; it’s about embracing what makes you, you.”

This shift towards authenticity is reflected in the growing popularity of non-invasive, subtle enhancements—procedures that enhance rather than transform. Think microneedling, laser treatments, and skin-tightening procedures that work with what you’ve got rather than trying to create something entirely new. For celebrities like Paige DeSorbo, this means that the future of beauty might be less about drastic changes and more about maintaining and enhancing what they already have.

But this trend isn’t just about the procedures themselves—it’s about a broader cultural shift. The conversation around beauty is evolving, with more and more people questioning the standards that have been set by the media and the beauty industry. Celebrities are leading the charge, using their platforms to promote self-love and acceptance, and challenging the idea that you need to look a certain way to be beautiful.

Paige, with her candidness about her beauty routine and her willingness to embrace both the natural and the enhanced, is perfectly poised to ride this wave. She represents a new generation of celebrities who are unafraid to be themselves, flaws and all, and who are helping to redefine what it means to be beautiful in Hollywood.

The future of cosmetic enhancements might not be about achieving a particular look, but about feeling good in your own skin—whether that means embracing a few wrinkles or opting for a little Botox here and there. It’s about balance, about finding what works for you, and about rejecting the idea that there’s only one way to be beautiful. And if Paige DeSorbo is any indication, it’s a future that looks a whole lot more diverse, more inclusive, and ultimately, more real.